Co-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities are very important for the overall development of the child. Competitions are held regularly to motivate the students. Adequate facilities have been provided for both indoor and outdoor games like,
Swimming Pool, Basketball, Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Skating, Football, Athletics, Rope Mallakhamb.

National Festival


Student Council Election

Election to the Student Council is one of the prime events in a school. The elected students have the ability to drive change. Campaigning, getting elected, organizing events, helps them to steer the direction of the school & go ahead with the objectives & set targets. This further leads to a well formulated, interesting & satisfying functioning of the activities planned, Indo Public School believes in it & the students live it.
Teacher Training – With The Collaborative Ventures Photos

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” Said Mother Teresa. It is so very true. Pondering over these lines Indo Public School ventured into a collaboration with renowned pediatricians of Maharashtra under the banner of MahaPedicon for a Workshop on “Better parenting” on the 14th Nov. ’19, for the parents of Amravati to shape & mould our children. The open debate and guidance given by reputed experts was of great appreciation & value.
Teachers Day

Investiture Ceremony

“Accountability breeds Responsibility” very aptly quoted by Stephen Covey. Great leaders do not set out to be a Leader. They set out to make a difference. It is never too easy to be different, but it is a task that must be fulfilled for benefit & growth. It’s an impenetrable force that drives one ahead. So here we have a Council Of Ministers elected by the Indo Public School students who pledge to take up their responsibility for a better & fruitful session. Col. Ravi Rao of NCC was the Chief Guest who exhorted the Leaders with the acronym FAR i. e. to be endowed with Fortitude, be Ardent & go ahead Relentlessly.
The competitions are arranged by the school to avoid monotonous work of academics. They encourage children to adopt innovative techniques and develop their ideas and skills. They inculcate qualities of winning with grace and reinforce sportsman spirit.

Tanha Pola

World Population Day

It is ironical that we tend to curb the growth of every other species than our own. Every second day we hear of the precious Tiger specie being ruthlessly decreased due to man’s negligence & lack of awareness. It’s high time we spread an understanding towards decreasing of our population before it explodes dangerously & ruins us. And this is what the Students of Indo Public School are aiming at by taking out a spectacular rally around the city of Amravati.
Garba Competition

A graceful movement of music that enthrals, excites not only the performer but the onlooker as well.
Yoga Competition

It is ironical that we tend to curb the growth of every other species than our own. Every second day we hear of the precious Tiger specie being ruthlessly decreased due to man’s negligence & lack of awareness. It’s high time we spread an understanding towards decreasing of our population before it explodes dangerously & ruins us. And this is what the Students of Indo Public School are aiming at by taking out a spectacular rally around the city of Amravati.